I recently stumbled across a mixtape named 'The Soul Tape' by the one and only FA-BO-LO-US! Yes, that's Mr. Twitter himself @myfabolouslife
The song that caught my attention was Riesling & Rolling Papers (2 of my favorite elements). Other songs that are noteworthy are Wolves In Sheeps Clothing, In the Morning, & Mo' Brooklyn, Mo' Harlem, Mo' Southside. True to any mixtape form, Fabo re invents a series of recent artists takes on music and throws his own 'FABULOUS' style and shows the fierce competition in the industry!
My Rating: Is a Fierce & 'Fabolous' 4STARS

I've also had the opportunity to view the 1st episode of VH1's new season of Tough Love Miami
This show, again displays a group of un dateable, clueless, and almost hopeless women's journey on how to find love. Expert matchmaker Steve Ward guides these women on how to date and improve their images and ultimately find love. Hopefully, these women will find their way. Tune in to VH1 on Sundays @ 8/7c!
My Rating: A Big Tough 3 STARS of Love!