The Legacy that will die...
A legacy that dies with her, a legacy that was written to rule and be upheld as a landmark of our, this and forever a people.
She unfortunately has to decease from this planetarium unto another world that can and will appreciate her beauty, grace, mercy, and effect. A world that embraces change and a contentious equilibrium of life.
May I ask a question?
Often times, I think why and how we(as black women) are characterized under one specific color. Women of color vary in size, shape, mentality,culture, and of course, color. Why is it that we have a love/hate relationship with one another?
Facts have proven that we do disregard "our" men dating or having relations with women that are not of color. So why do we criticize and demean each other, as if we were foreign enemies? Or under a foreign policy that limits us to communicate and embrace our uniqueness?
Soliloquy of Pure Air

Wide open spaces,
there's some I've seen, the clear cold air brushing against my
breath in and out,
the trees don't tumble or crack,
freedom is what the leaves sing, they dance in the nights darkness awaiting for their prayer, sing,
dance is like the dirt's theme to praise out when the wind touches their surface,
wide open space is what you're giving me, wide open spaces is all I feel,
the breeze as it wisps away all the thought of the day, silence is what's said,
darkness is shone through the light of the dark that creeps up beside you,
and day is always in the wide open spaces.
what can happen tomorrow...
I am a devout Christian, and I believe in his works, power, and miracles. All of my life I have struggled to actually connect to what it meant to believe and most importantly, have faith.
I looked up the definition of faith; and webster tells us:
1faith noun \ˈfāth\
plural faiths
Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty
b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs
— on faith
: without question
It also gives us examples of faith, but tonights post speaks for itself. I had faith that I would accomplish my goal and I have reached a point on my goal list. I am satisfied and happy. I love my new thirst for life, laughter, and especially love. I had the faith to conquer all my doubts.
SO, one of my wildest dreams came true today, and I have my faith in God to thank. Because I believed, my eyes were opened to new sights and my ears listened to finer tunes.
But, there is one thing that I can say, being a believer works.
Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!
~Psalms 27:14
aucunes semences qu'aucunes tiges séparent deux

passing days go by, wishing for the time to reflect its light,
wondering how the rest of my night, will satisfy the love i desire,
roll around, spark the ignite, inhale and pass out...
stems and seeds are not required...
No stems, no seeds, it seems this happens really often,
but inhaling is only the first part,
what you do with it is your own course...
part deux...
continued to excel, continued to parallel, on the course of higher expectations,
of love,
and desire,
no seeds, no stems,
Mi Hope: Traducido
Mirar y esperar, esperar ese gran escape para venir, Deseando y deseando que viniendo por y me rescate de este desastre, yo entro el agua y la esperanza y el
deseo que usted todavía piensa en mí y la espera arriba para mi regreso al corazón, Dondequiera quiere tomarme yo estoy aquí y le oigo, creo en las cosas que
hacen usted y mí para siempreR, Estoy a solas, permaneceré por usted lado R porque creyó en mí y en usted, creyó en nosotros,
Creo y le adoro, usted me es y mi total, algo que usted desea será mi orden. El amor que compartimos crecerá y crecerá hasta que la tierra se enfríe y hasta fines de tiempo en el latido del corazón de nuestra melodía. Con el paso del tiempo.
the kindred heart
how do you measure, measure a year?
well, it's been a while since I've let you all know my thoughts...
let me catch you up to speed...
first of all, I've moved back to Jacksonville, Florida, (my birthplace) my hometeam.
I've grown, shrunk and been all over the place, but today I have finally and actually realized what I was meant to do in life.. I am meant to be the * THAT i AM!
now, finidng yourself and who you are is not an easy task or commitment. But, it is a commitment that you are obligated to do for yourself. Of course, I love myself and the person that i AM, but, I am not happy with the outcome that has occurred. I want to be more and i deserve more! SO! as of today i will be more and have a bigger and brighter future!
I magnify the Lord and he has redeemed me to be destined for greatness!
I will bless the Lord at all times!
Birds Fly High
goes the beat

words can kill,
the way I feel,
i could even…
i now understand
how words can kill,
words can kill,
words can kill,
boom, boom, boom,
boom, boom, boom,
boom, boom,
goes the beat of my heart,
…goes the beat of my heart
Your Lying Eyes
Now that it's all over and done, I can finally say that I am strong and that I have learned from the past and my mistakes of you,
I found out that crying, weeping, and begging are all actions of desperation,
Desperation of wanting and thinking that I needed you to survive,
I can't believe that I carried your child, I cant believe that I had faith in your lying eyes,
I just wanted you to love me in the same fashion and form, but anything less would have done,
But the past is the past, and the future is for me to behold,
Loving myself enough to know that I can uphold,
Uphold a life that is pure and grand, A life that is for me to know and understand
Understand that me without you is the one real thing that finally fits right,
Now that I have realized what I know that I know, I can go and live...
...let it go
*warnING: content in this post is not validated, but word thru mouth..
to unleash is to relieve great stress and perspiration.
to release, is to let go of most of the worry and hate, and criticism that we endure on any day to day basis,
...as i sit and listen, and contemplate this movie "UNLEASHED" I stop and reserve all of the simple delights in the world that i often overlook.
the sense of our senses is a concept almost unlikely to believe.
{but, what is magnificent about the process is, is that i can always go back, determine,and reflect on any situation...}
especially, taste I.E.----the first taste of ice cream...in my book..
a cold, creamy, substance that is flavoured.. IT makes the world go around, in my opinion at least....
but as I usually do, and will in this situation; is digress; not ask a lot of questions, but move forward...
so there you have it, a simple diagnosis and a simple solution....
"sometimes people may have to go back..people have to do things themselves."
Heavenly Forecast

Today, was the day that all my dreams came true.
I found out that miracles indeed happen,
every once in a while,
and spring greeted us with her presence
and the weather gods shined abundantly in the sunshine state.
The clouds opened up and warm air and wind playfully danced above us,
it was magnificent.
Grace also cast down a spell for all to see and behold.
Sunshine, warmth, sand, ocean, and grace all a forecast of heavenly delight.
I must say,
today was a good day.
It's Oscar Time!

Well the stars have fallen from the sky and onto the red carpet for the 82nd Annual Academy Awards. On tonight at 8pm on ABC. I have been amped all day to watch who will walk away with one of the most coveted award for an actor.

Tonight's show will be hosted by the talented and hilarious actors Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. I just know that whatever they open the show with will be a one of a kind act and true comedic genius.
Will post more as the red carpet showdown occurs...
Little Girl
Little Girl
Little Girl…know your place
Little Girl…know your role,
For you are just a child,
Only a young, young child,
You were placed on this earth
For joy, love, and peace,
Little Girl…know your place
Little Girl…know your role
You were meant to be sweet, kind, and pure
Little Girl…know your place
Little Girl…know your role
When I was a child, I thought as a child,
And as a child you are to act as a child
And be satisfied,
For the world is filled with distrust, rot,
And filth,
Little Girl, please stay safe,
Little Girl, you are our only hope,
A hope for a future, you are our future,
Behave accordingly, and pray for longevity
Little Girl…know your place,
Little Girl…know your role.
First and foremost I would like to welcome you all to the first edition, first volume, and first statement of The Pink Palace: Scripted
Today, I have seen and heard a lot of things pertaining to the wonderful world around me. But, before I divulge in my findings, I would like to give you all a synopsis of what is to come, and what is expected…
Basically, (a word I hate to, but what is appropriate to use right now) it’s Spring Break 2010 for all the collegiate in Florida this week. I wish that I could be a part of the festivities that are going on, but I digress…and move forward.
JEOPARDY is on right now and all of the competitors are dwindling down to the champions reign. I, for one, hope to be able to compete on this prestigious game show one day…hey I know
ok. people…